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French is taught throughout the Prep School from Nursery upwards by a specialist teacher.

The emphasis at this early stage of learning is on the development of confident learners and French speakers by making language learning a fun process.

Our curriculum covers a broad range of topics such as food, feelings, art, greetings, numbers, colours, shapes, family and animals. We also provide many opportunities to develop intercultural understanding, for example through celebrating important dates and festivals in the French calendar, discovering important landmarks, learning about French food and music and everything about French life.

The curriculum also follows core aspects of the primary curriculum and incorporates all the statutory requirements for language learning at Key Stages Foundation, 1 and 2.

Lessons provide great opportunities for speaking, listening, reading and writing, including role-plays, games, songs, and artistic activities that promote creativity.  Bilingual pupils also can improve their skills by attending a club after school.

Pupils have had the opportunity to take part in day trips to the French Institute in London and residential trips to France. In addition to this, Year 6 have taken part in plays organised by the Freshwater Theatre company.

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