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Inter-House Performance Assemblies

On Monday 20th March during our Lower School and Senior School assemblies we were treated to music and dance performances from students across Year 7 to Year 13 in their Houses.

Mrs Barradell opened the assemblies explaining how the Performing Arts embodies all of our values and asked the students to participate with putting the values in rank order of what they think is needed to ensure a positive and productive performance, she talked through the power of the arts and how we see the arts in everyday life and showed the students the industrial revolution sequence from the opening of London 2012 Olympics explaining that even in a major public sporting event the arts are there and crucial. The students performed with great courage, attention to detail and impressed their audiences.

Mrs Barradell is working with Mr Green to award students for their creativity, perseverance and courage in their final performances and in the rehearsals leading up to the event.

We look forward to more occasions where students will showcase to each other collectively.


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