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Prep Science Week

Mrs Barton, Head of Prep Science, writes:

'Terrific Trees' was the theme of the Prep School Science Week. We were very busy!

On the Monday all of the children in Reception through to Year 3 visited Bedgebury Pinetum to learn about the different forest habitats and the things that live there. Years 4 to 6 visited Bedgebury on Tuesday and enjoyed a 'Forests for the Future' workshop. Of course, both groups found time to enjoy the fabulous playground too!

Other activities included:

🌳capillary action experiments

🌳getting to know the trees at Radnor: 'Adopt a Tree'

🌳designing posters to share lots of fascinating tree facts

🌳bendy branch experiments to test for sap levels

🌳transpiration quiz

🌳Tree Taboo games

🌱 .... and planting our own trees in the East Field that each class has grown from seed since October.

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