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'Historical, geographical and social understanding fires children’s curiosity and imagination about who we are, where we have come from, where we live and where we might be going next. It connects Britain’s past with the present and the future, helps children make sense of our place in the world and is central to their development as informed, active and responsible citizens’

National Curriculum 2009

We encourage our children to investigate the world around them, from the local to the global. They learn about the impact of their actions on the planet and understand the importance of developing a future that is sustainable.

We encourage our children to investigate the world around them, from the local to the global. They learn about the impact of their actions on the planet and understand the importance of developing a future that is sustainable.

We use fieldwork, first-hand experience and secondary sources to locate and investigate the geographical features of a range of places and environments, including our own locality, contrasting areas in the UK and different localities in other countries.

The study of our school locality forms an important part of the Geography curriculum. The children’s understanding and awareness of their locality is developed through direct experience, practical activities and fieldwork. We are fortunate that we have wonderful grounds for habitat and map studies. We extend our geographical learning in Early Years and Lower Prep through Forest School and in Upper Prep through the Bush Craft and Forest Skills curriculum where we develop our orienteering and mapping skills on site. 

As the children progress through the school, they are introduced to geographical themes and the study of places. Visits reinforce and enhance topics.

As Geography is a dynamic and contemporary subject, the curriculum is flexible to deal with current issues and developments. Environmental, Sustainable and Citizenship themes run through topics in the curriculum. Through our programmes of study the children learn about and develop informed views and opinions on local, national and global issues such as sustainability, climate change, economic inequality, and their impacts on people, places and environments. The School actively encourages recycling both in and out of school.

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