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‘Historical, geographical and social understanding fires children’s curiosity and imagination about who we are, where we have come from, where we live and where we might be going next. It connects Britain’s past with the present and the future, helps children make sense of our place in the world and is central to their development as informed, active and responsible citizens’

National Curriculum 2009

Piecing together the picture of the past is a bit like detective work. Children use a range of sources of information to find out about people’s lives and events and how things have changed. We visit historic buildings, museums, galleries and sites. As they do this, the children begin to understand and remember a framework of significant events, people and reasons for change and continuity.

Our curriculum includes aspects of local, British and world history, covering different societies and periods of history from ancient times to Victorian times and beyond.

Children learn about diversity and interdependence, fairness, justice and democracy. They begin to understand how events that happened in Britain long ago or in other countries can affect our lives today and how our actions shape the future.

In Years 1 and 2 children listen and respond to stories and use sources of information to help ask and answer questions. In the upper part of the Preparatory School, these skills are developed and pupils look at a variety of different sources and learn how to weigh up evidence and reach conclusions.

Children find visits a great source of information and a number of trips are enjoyed at Radnor House Sevenoaks. They may experience a visit from Florence Nightingale, take part in a Viking enactment, or visit Leeds Castle, The Globe Theatre and Hampton Court Palace. Learning about WWII takes place through the exciting history of our school and grounds and with an evacuation to the Museum of Kent Life for an experience day. 


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