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Prep Library

The Prep School has its own library which is run by the Director of Reading and Literature.  It aims to promote a love of reading and support the curriculum.

Pupils are welcome to enjoy the safe space the library offers: to browse, read and borrow books; to relax playing card games or chess. Prep school pupils have access to their library at morning break time and enjoy a weekly lesson in the library. 

As a school, we are committed to promoting reading for pleasure across all year groups as this promotes not only academic progress but also good mental health, well-being and empathy. We run a 100 Book Challenge to encourage pupils to read widely. We are also committed to providing quality books to support the curriculum. 

We celebrate the joy of reading with events such as World Book Day, Harry Potter Night, Outdoor Reading Events, book fairs, author visits and National Poetry Day.  

All pupils and staff can borrow books through our library management system, Accessit. Pupils in Year 3 and above have access to our library catalogue and e-book platform through their school login. 

Radnor House Sevenoaks ( 

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