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RH7 Blog

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  • Would they really ban TikTok?

    Listening, as I often do, to the Today programme on Radio 4 each morning I was struck by two news stories today.  On their own, each was momentarily interesting - connected, they added flavour to the debate swirling around how we raise and educate our children and the long-term trend of increas...
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  • Happy Earth Day

    At Radnor, we're passionate about protecting the world around us and that is why we're committed to delivering a strong eco education and working together as a community to improve our school's environmental impact. Our Eco Committee of dedicated students, aims to drive meaningful cha...
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  • Sumo, Jackie Stewart and Radnor - what do they all have in common?

    As a younger man, prior to starting a graduate training programme at a US investment bank, I was fortunate to visit Japan.  I was perhaps 22 at the time and had recently graduated from university, keen on experiencing the world.  The trip started in the mega city of Osaka and I remember tr...
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  • Effectively managing your child's transition to secondary school.

    Transitioning from primary school to secondary school can be a big change for children, and parents play a crucial role in supporting their child during this time. Here are some tips from Alison Robinson, Head of House and Head of Art at Radnor, to help parents facilitate a smooth transition fo...
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  • Make a Difference - Our Day of Action

    Imagine a school where your child is encouraged to understand the world around them….
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  • Managing Exam Stress: A Parent's Guide

    As the summer exams approach, many students experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety. As parents, it is crucial to provide the necessary support and guidance to help your children manage their stress effectively. The following strategies will help you and your children navigate...
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  • Neuro Diversity and the 'Normal Box'

    I regularly meet with parents who are concerned about their child’s neurodiversity or special educational need.  We are naturally inclined to provide every possible support for our children and when we sense there might be a challenge in the classroom or our child could be falling behind...
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  • Why Cambridge and Google Got It Wrong

    Cambridge University’s decision to scrap its targets for the share of state and private school pupils winning places is a significant move.  Parents at independent schools have been fighting a wave of perceived discrimination as increasing numbers of universities set ever more ambitious t...
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  • Are parents putting their children off reading?

    Reports in The Times this morning, that parents are putting children off reading, struck a chord.  With World Book Day taking place on Thursday 7 March, this presented an ideal opportunity to conduct a little survey of reading habits in the Paton family house.
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  • Fake Eyelashes and the Power of Pupil Voice

    Reading, as I did today, Knole Academy’s decision to allow fake eyelashes in the name of mental health reminded me of the diverse interests present in all schools.  On the one hand this is an important, even landmark decision for the school.  It is testament to the power of pupil voi...
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  • Why are our young people suffering like never before?

    A report from The Resolution Foundation leads David Paton to ask: why are our young people suffering like never before?
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  • Introducing our Menopause Policy

    Following recently released guidance by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), employers, must now take menopause seriously and provide reasonable adjustments for their employees.  For schools, this is a very welcome addition as many have been slow to adapt their working practices i...
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