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RH7 Blog

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  • Maintaining skills and learning over the summer

    If you're a parent with concerns about summer learning regression, you're probably right. The 'summer slide' is a phenomenon where children can lose some of the academic gains they made during the school year. But worry not, there is plenty you can do at home to minimise the effects...
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  • Six parenting ideas for making the most of summer

    With the long summer holidays ahead of us, many parents will be wondering how to fill the days and keep their children entertained and productive.  The following six ideas might provide some food for thought: Set limits on use of technology – persuasive design and dopamine hits mean...
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  • What is character education and why is it important?

    Many readers of this blog know that I’m excited about the benefits of AI so when I started writing my latest missive about character education, I thought I would ask AI to kick things off.  It came up with this little joke: “Why did the brilliant mathematician break up with their...
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  • The Case for Collectivism

    The general election must be having an effect because I’m finding myself increasingly drawn into spurious debates about the merits of one immigration policy over another, or whether the ‘cross-over’ point is actually interesting or a statistical irrelevance.  Westminster...
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  • The Cost of One More TikTok Video

    I found myself shouting at the television last night, as I watched the dying embers of the News at 10 switch to regional coverage. A Head Teacher in East Sussex was reported to be ‘urging’ parents to put down their phones and talk to their children during the drop off and collection...
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  • Am I Heard?

    I was reminded of the power of pupil voice recently when the Head Student sent me a list of the ideas we had discussed and the actions we had taken within our Student Council this year. Topics ranging from academic feedback to co-curricular activities, student driving and of course food all made it...
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  • Navigating the Parenting Journey

    When I finally look back on my life and consider the biggest challenge I experienced, my hunch is that raising three children will be at the top of the list.  Over the years, my wife and I have played the roles of doctor, life coach, WiFi technician, nutritionist, mentor, teacher, psychologist...
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  • Why our children are the original large language models

    You may know that before I discovered teaching, I started out in life as an investment banker.  Well, I was a lowly analyst really, but I was fortunate in that I dealt with high tech advisory work for some interesting clients. Someone recently recommended a Podcast which continues to scratch th...
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  • The Plan for Play: Putting your child in charge

    Children who play more are healthier, happier and more successful at school. Of course they are! Play is the language of children - a developmental necessity. It is through play that they learn to understand themselves, one another, and the world around them. Play breeds curiosity and creativity, bu...
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  • Could AI Save Education?

    Two news stories caught my eye this week.  Wayve, a British company developing an AI system for autonomous driving, is raising $1bn and poised to disrupt the emerging driverless car market with its machine learning algorithms.  The other quotes a Professor at Trinity College Dublin who lam...
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  • Snowplough, helicopter or tough love? Parenting in preparation for the adult world.

    I don’t know about you, but I find long distance solo car journeys provide a welcome opportunity to listen to a new audio book.  Over the weekend, during a rather long return journey to Snowdonia, I found myself engrossed in Abigail Shrier’s recent publication, ‘Bad Therapy: W...
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  • Fussy eating? A parent's guide to navigating picky palates.

    Parenting: there’s no two ways about it, a huge joy and also a challenge! Of the many challenges we face as parents, ‘fussy’ eating is one that comes up a lot. But why are some children so selective about their eating and what can we do as parents to support the development of heal...
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